Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer plans, and summer changes

Just about a month ago I joined Jim at the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair.  He had left a few days earlier to attend the Small Wind Conference, and then I joined him that Thursday.  I mentioned that I hadn't been feeling that well the previous few days-feeling sick to my stomach and tired.  We agreed I should probably take a pregnancy test, just to be sure, though I really didn't think I would be.  After all, I was taking contraceptives, and even if I had missed a couple, most people said it took awhile after going off them before you would get pregnant.  I probably just had a slight flu....that didn't get better or worse.  So, I took a test and it looked mostly negative....there was one slight other line, but it was faint.  Negative, right?  The next morning Jim suggested that I should take the other one that came in the pack anyway....apparently morning is a better time to take them.  Again, just a faint small other line.  Wait....that could mean.....what?  Now I was completely uncertain. Why can't these things just be clear? So, we took a little trip to the local clinic at Stevens Point.  Better to have someone just tell us, right?  So, we went in, saw a nurse practitioner, and she said it would take about 10-15 minutes to find out after I took the test.  So, I went in and took it, came back and talked to Jim for about 1 minute, and she popped back in and said it was positive.  Begin talk about vitamins, etc....

So, I am headed in tomorrow for my first real doctor's appointment. I am excited, and also a little nervous.  Of course, I just want them to tell me that everything looks fine and my baby is growing and  healthy. I think I have been doing a good job of eating healthy....I still eat pizza and other things occasionally, but I haven't had hardly any soda, no coffee, and I have definitely been getting a lot of calcium.  I take my vitamins, and have been eating fruits and vegetables very regularly. Thank you Kwik Trip for carrying peaches and pears now!  I am not really sure how far along I am....but I figure about 9 weeks.  This means (according to google) that my baby is now 1 inch long, has 4 chambers in his/her heart, has fully formed eyes (though they are still fused shut), all of the extremities are there, and even the sex organs (though you can't tell what it is yet). I can't wait to find out what it is going to be- though I will be equally excited either way.  I can't wait to be a mom =)  Well, I guess I CAN wait- I am not at all ready yet, but I AM looking forward to it!  We did just get our land use permit though, to put on a 16x16 foot addition onto our cabin....more than doubling our living space!  Now hopefully we can find somebody to frame it in for us cheap, then we can finish the inside and hopefully have it ready by winter.
   Other summer happenings?  I have gone to the Boundary Waters twice- and Arlo has slept for 3 days after each time.  And- Jim and I are going up to Alaska next week!  He is going to be putting up two of his small wind turbines, one at Tangle Lake (near Denali) up on a mountaintop, and one at Boswell Bay (near Cordova).  The telephone company is going to fly us in via helicopter to both sites.  I can't wait to be back in Alaska for a bit!  And, we are first flying into Fairbanks, so I should be able to see Nellie and her family! =)  I may be joining Jim for a week in Nevada in August, putting up a building for his wind turbine testing, and we are going to Pennsylvania for a wedding.....and then I will be back getting ready for another school year!  This summer is going to fly by! Now, I just hope I start feeling better.... morning sickness is the pits.  It has been lasting most of the day, and often in the night.  The worst part of my day is brushing my teeth.  I finally decided that sometimes listerine will have to do.  After all, what is the point if you brush, then that makes you throw you brush again...which makes you throw up again....this could be a never ending cycle.  So sometimes I just have to change the routine.  Enough on that though.  It is worth it....or will be.  And I am so much better off than most pregnant women.  I am on summer vacation, so when I feel really awful, I can lay down.  And, I can take naps when I feel exhausted!  This baby may be a year ahead of schedule, but there is a definite plus side to his/her timing!

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