Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Last weekend I took my last kayaking trip of the year. I was a little nervous I wouldn't be able to get out, as more ice had formed than I had originally thought, and one of the places I thought about launching was locked in with ice, but one of the campsites at Merrick was ice free by the shore, so a friend and I put in there.  It was a little chilly, but it was a lot of fun- we saw a muskrat, eagles, and lots of evidence of beavers in the area- they have been really busy since August when I last paddled there!

Paddling up onto the ice a little bit =) 

a muskrat busy eating

I saw a lot of interesting ice formations

busy beavers..... this is just one spot we noticed

Having trouble uploading more pictures, so will have to upload more later!

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