Sunday, February 22, 2009


We have been having a lot of fun getting out skiing! After having shorter practices for a week due to more than 20 below temperatures (plus wind)- last week we were able to get out longer!! I took the kids up to the other side of Baldhead- and we really enjoyed the hil!
Ski practice isn't all serious! We take the time to check out rabbit dens, spot ptarmigan, and animal tracks as well!

And....sometimes we just like to goof around!!! Most of my team DOES consist of middle schoolers! Here is Wyman trying to go up the hill backwards. I must say he was more successful than I think I would have been!!!
looking down on the village from near the top of the hill.
Life is rough.....I can't believe I have to look at views like this while getting paid to coach and get outside skiing!
A few weeks ago, on a nicer day I took the Kindergarteners out skiing for our gym time!! These kids get to try and ski without poles- mostly because I don't have enough that are small enough for them- but also because they need to learn to ski using their FEET and not just relying onthe poles. Most of them had a great time- though one of them struggled a little more. I am hoping to get out with them again- now that it is warmer out.

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