Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Break!

Well, with things uploading so slow....I haven't been all that motivated to get my pictures on here- but I will try to put at least a few on now.  Christmas break was great!  Not a lot of resting- I went to Winona for Christmas Eve, Dad's cabin Christmas Day, and then spent the weekend down in Missouri, visiting Katie, Matt, Aidan and Alaina.  I was then back in Winona for one day, and even came back to La Crosse for a couple hours with Christopher to drop off presents and grab some clean clothes, then we headed out to my land where we hiked around.  The next day I was off again- this time with Mom up to Duluth for a doctors appointment (check-up after my surgery), and then from there we headed up the Gunflint Trail to the cabin!  We stopped at Gooseberry on the way up, and then snowshoed to the cabin, carrying our stuff on a sled that we pulled behind us.  We started a cribbage tournament (which lasted 2 days and I ended up winning) and on New Years Eve Day we went snowshoeing out to Bill and Sandy's cabin- it was sunny and beautiful out that day and we had a lot of fun! Hiking back we hit a bit of slush, and my shoes iced up really bad, making travel not as easy (next time I am bringing a knife to chip it off) but otherwise it was a perfect day!  After finishing our cribbage tournament we played Scrabble (which I also won) =)....drank a little wine and headed to bed to get up early and watch the sunrise (which we were up in PLENTY of time for as the clock had not been set from daylight savings!).  New Years Day dawned pretty cold, with the thermometer reading -10, with a little bit of wind, but it felt good getting out and snowshoeing back to the car. We stopped at a few spots on the way back to take pictures of the fog rising on the lake (Superior) and the ice, and then headed to Eu Claire to celebrate Christmas with Michael, Randine,  Maryanne and Mike, and Alex and baby Isaac.  I then skipped the New Years party that night with friends to opt for a weekend at home....where I had not really been in a week and a half!  Heather came to La Crosse and we did a bit of sledding, which was a lot of fun! So....I have pictures of all these things, but probably won't get much uploaded.  I am putting more on Facebook if you are interested! =)

1 comment:

Colleen Marie said...

No one has posted yet, so I thought I'd drop you a line and tell you that you are a wonderful person, and I love you.