Thursday, December 20, 2012

Building, building.....we should have a month+ left....

Our container garage!  "My" container is on the right, and Jim and his Dad helped me build 16 feet of shelving along one side, so I have started organizing all my "stuff" from the storage shed.....though I am only about half way done!  It is really nice to have some of my stuff close to home and organized though!  I have also cleaned out the shed, which was storing some house things as well as wood and tools.  After moving some things to my container, I can now walk into the shed and get things I need without squeezing and tripping!  We have one side of the garage roof tinned.....I'm not sure the other side is going to get done before spring, as winter and snow are already here. But, Jim did get the electrical lines dug and put in last weekend to the container.
A few weeks ago I finally got tile put up around the stove.  I love how it looks, and wish I had moved on it sooner.  Now I just need to get the grout in and trim around it!
The outside (back) of our house.  Christopher came out and helped me stain it the last nice day before it got cold- right before Thanksgiving.  I feel so much better knowing the siding will be protected this winter!
A picture from when I started putting the pine walls up in the mudroom.  I finished this last weekend.
....and going up the stairs.  I have about 3 feet left to do. The sheetrock is now pretty much up downstairs as well- though no mudding and taping yet.
Our bedroom!  This week we also got it painted (Thanks Wayne!) and trim put in around the door and closet, crown molding along the top, and baseboards put in!  Jim also put in the lights this weekend and has about half the outlets wired.  We are so close to having this room completely done!  Now we can start mudding and taping the rest of the house!  I am so excited to have the sheetrock done!
A built in shelf that I started for the baby room.  I figure I will put the dresser, with the changing pad on it right underneath, so that I can put all the diapers and things I will need on the shelves.
I was able to finish this today!  And, I got wood up in the closet cieling.  So, I had a fairly productive day, for a snowday!  I am debating whether I should start something new or work on cleaning my house and wrapping Christmas presents.....Arlo is snoring on the couch, though he hasn't done much today but sleep, and follow me around when I worked on a few things in the yard.  He seems to really enjoy the snow- he has been rolling in it, and chasing the snow that I shovel!
     I am due on February 9th....they have adjusted my due date by a few days.  The baby has been growing a lot, and I am still feeling good! (I just get winded very easily)  She really enjoys kicking me, and has been getting in some good ones, enough to surprise me and stop me sometimes!  I like feeling her move and knowing that she is growing strong.   Sorry- we STILL don't have any names picked out!!  ha ha!  I guess we need to get on that pretty soon!  Things have been pretty busy though.  Jim was out of town for 3/4 of November, going to Nevada, Colorado and Alaska for big work projects, and I always stay busy enough with work.  Our focus has primarily been on getting the house ready for "Baby, baby" as Jim likes to call her.  We did have another ultrasound, and all looks good.  We were excited to see hair growing on our baby already!  I am excited to see what color it is going to be- though I know it can change a lot the first few years.  I will post more pictures later.  I haven't been too good about it, but life is busy.  Today we had a snowday, so I thought I might get caught up at least a little bit!

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