Monday, April 15, 2013

St. Luois Botanical Gardens

 Last Saturday, while I was still in Missouri, we drove into St. Louis to see the botanical gardens.  The trees were all budding, and there were many flowering trees- and some flowers were already up.  It was beautiful, and a felt so good to be outside when it was sunny and about 75 degrees!  Lily did great in the baby bjorn, sleeping until all but the last hour- when I found a secluded spot to change her and feed her.  She then actually slept most of the way back....I was so impressed! But, after 2 days of consant eating, she spent 2 days pretty much sleeping and she sure grew!

 Aidan- in the kids Park, there was this balancing rope to cross- he loved it!  He was pretty brave!

 The kid's park was great- with all these little hidden areas for kids to hang, slide, crawl and play.
 Aidan rock climbed up this big boulder!....and then jumped off!

 There was an outdoor music area.

 In the Japanese garden....
Aidan and Alaina met some friends near the kid's garden.  What a fun day! And then 2 days later I came back to MN/WI.....where it has been snowing/raining/ice most of the week.  Today I finally see the sun peaking through the clouds at North Bend.  Hopefully it will melt all the new snow we got yesterday....  Lily and I are headed into town to do some shopping and visiting today.....I now have only 2 more weeks left of maternity leave =(

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