Saturday, January 31, 2009

100th Day of School!

Well, yet another week of teaching over- the year continues to fly by =) The kids were a bit riled up this week, but we had fun. On Thursday I almost went home sick, but then I realized it was the 100th day of school......and the kids have been really looking forward to this. I didn't want to leave it to a sub, so I stayed. We read books about 100 throughout the day, made necklaces with pony beads, in groups of 5's with different colors, so that we could count by 5's to the 100 beads on our necklaces, and then in the afternoon we had a party. We made place-mats that said 100 days of school, blew up balloons and wrote 100 on them, and I gave then animal face plates and crackers with peanut butter and dried cereal (which they love), and turned on music and danced (I taught them how to disco). I also surprised them all by spraying them with silly string....which I thought was hilarious. The looks on their faces was pretty priceless. I don't think they had ever seen silly string before! The end of the day on Thursdays is our gym time, so we finished the day by taking our balloons and some scooters into the gym, which worked out pretty good as they were pretty wild by then! I then sat on my butt during ski practice and timed them for a race, then let them take their skis home for the weekend, and I went home and went to BED. I slept until 1 am....spent a couple hours reading, and then went to sleep again. I am feeling better today though.

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